Making Progress (Part 2)
Hey folks! See this grin? It's finally coming together, this novelist thing. As we speak, THE GUITARIST is being prepped and formatted for a 6X9 trade paperback. It will also be available in e-book form on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other e-book sites. Pretty exciting stuff.
I'm proud to be working with a small, independent publisher called Livinoak Publishing. THE GUITARIST will be the company's second novel-length work, the first being E. David Moulton's PRODIGAL CHILD, which also deals with rock music. Must be the right place for me. We hope to have the book out by fall of this year. Though we're still finalizing the cover of THE GUITARIST, it's coming along nicely as well. I'll release it to you when we get a bit closer.
I'm still learning how to work this website, so I hope you'll have patience with me. I was ecstatic yesterday to finally get my domain name connected to the correct account, but I still can't get into the domain e-mail, so if you need me, I'm still on Facebook, AOL (yeah, yeah, I know) and G-mail.
In the meantime, what would you think if I change the text color to white from red? As I was messing with the site yesterday, it occurred to me the red was a bit difficult to see. What do you think?
Also, check out Livinoak Publishing and PRODIGAL CHILD. And I'll leave you with this. Shinedown's "Unity" from their album, AMARYLLIS.